Leveraging Technology for:

AI-driven Analytics

At Bloom, one of our core values is to deliver high quality, data-driven results to help you improve your bottom line.

Customized machine learning and statistical modeling are leveraged to optimize your lead generation, underwriting, and product development. Our systems are integrated into a variety of data sources and we’re constantly running data studies that are designed to provide a lift to our clients. Looking at different data sources allows us to agnostically determine where and how to get the best results.

Powered by one of the most robust AI-driven decisioning platforms, our proprietary models can help you identify profitable leads and customers in record time. In fact, online lenders who use our credit decisioning tools can screen tens of thousands of applicants a day. These tools pull data from nontraditional sources to help you make the best business decisions and potentially reveal new markets to tap into.

As AI-driven analytics becomes more common in fintech, what continues to set Bloom apart are the innovative minds behind our tech who routinely assess clients’ objectives and develop the algorithms that transform relevant data into actionable insights. We employ some of the brightest minds in data science to design and manage the automated systems that help you reach your goals.

Learn more about Bloom’s AI-driven analytics.
